Rudi, mein Hund

Lazarett ZuhauseGenau so sieht es seit knapp 2 Wochen vor meinem Bett aus. Nicht haftende Kompressen, eine 20er Packung Mullbinden, Aloe Vera aus dem koreanischen Laden bei mir um die Ecke, Silver Creme, Alkohol, ein Messer, eine Schere, eine Pinzette, ein Handtuch (Aloe Vera ist glitschig), 2 kleine Tellerchen, Vitamin E Öl und einen Mülleimer für den ganzen Abfall. Eine Verbrennung zu haben ist kein Spaß. Allerdings ist es faszinierend, wie schnell sie sich verändert. Alle paar Stunden wechseln die Farbkombinationen, manchmal von tiefrot und bläulich, zu Schweinchens rosa und überraschenderweise auch umgekehrt. Ebenso ändern sich die Spannungsverhältnisse der nachwachsenden Haut permanent, was sehr unangenehm sein kann. Von den zuckenden Nerven vor dem Einschlafen möchte ich erst gar nichts erzählen. Diese Wunde am Bein ist, als ob ich plötzlich ein Haustier bekommen habe. Continue reading

Almost Friday, 13th

Today  – A day full of surprises. Joyous, painful, scary and funny. But most of all a reminder about how fast everything can change in our earthy life and that we can be all assured that life is in control of life and we don’t have any control or whatsoever about it.


Surprise 1)
This morning I passed out while I intended to turn an omelette. I sensed the passing coming, but usually it goes by quickly. This time it did not. I lost consciousness. Gravity helped the pan to land on top of my thigh and the spatula scraped the instep of my foot. I was shocked and scared. Tears fell down my face, then the pain appeared and tiny blisters. I mostly sat in the bathtub today, dripping water over my leg. I slept a lot, had a very curious dream and treated my burn with urine. YES, I did. It was very recommended by my friend who is a Chinese medicine expert! I think it helped. When I try to remember what happened, I can clearly recall the burning pain, when I dropped to the floor being incapable to help myself in that situation. Continue reading


Today I performed in a circle of women sharing stories of life. We all performed because we feel the healing power in that way of sharing and communing with each other and the real treasure to do it together.  I feel what we do and say on a stage like this becomes more valuable and deep, and that multiplied by an audience honestly witnessing makes it even stronger. These instant compositions can open windows to our hearts, minds and embodied values. It is created art by real life, and to witness the humanity, the depth, humor and artistry that might emerge is pure pleasure.

Bodytales ® is certainly not for everyone but it is worth a try if you want to start something new.

This text emerged shortly before our show started. It popped out during our “warm-up” and I used it for my first very short piece.

Spiderlips Continue reading


Husband:”You always have to say no, when I want you to to say yes!”
Wife: “No!”

(This conversation is a work of fiction. Characters are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously: Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental…)